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About DCDT

The International Division on Career Development and Transition (DCDT) is an international professional educational organization which is affiliated with the International Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) whose members are dedicated to shaping policies and practices that impact the quality of career development and transition services of youth with exceptionalities.

Created in 1975 by Dr. Donn Brolin, DCDT is a private non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization established for the purpose of improving the quality of, and access to career development and transition services for individuals with all exceptionalities across the life span. 

A secondary purpose of DCDT is to encourage and promote professional growth, research, legislation, information dissemination, technical assistance and interactions among CEC divisions and other organizations concerned with and involved in the career development and transition of exceptional individuals.

Mission Statement

The mission of DCDT is to promote national and international efforts to improve the quality of, and access to, career/vocational and transition services, increase the participation of education in career development and transition goals, and to influence policies affecting career development and transition services for persons with disabilities.

Principles & Beliefs

  1. Career development and transition are the cornerstones for successful transition and positive post-school outcomes.
  2. Career development and transition activities promote self-sufficiency at a critical time in the growth and development of individuals with exceptionalities.
  3. Career development and transition processes are developmental and should have a life planning perspective.
  4. Career development and transition processes should address the culturally relevant preferences, strengths, and needs of youth, maximizing equity in post-school outcomes across disability, racial/ethnicity, socioeconomic, linguistic, and other home/school community characteristics.
  5. Career development and transition interventions should focus on the individuals and promote self-determination.
  6. Career development and transition processes assume and require interdisciplinary and interagency collaboration, and new connections among parents and professionals in education, community services, and employment sectors.


Membership is open to any person concerned with the education of exceptional individuals who is a member in good standing of the CEC.  Individuals may become members of DCDT after application and payment of division dues to CEC.  Individuals may become active members of this division after they are added to the division rooster.

Active membership is open to any member of the Council for Exceptional Children. Active membership entitles the members to attend all meetings of the Division, to vote on all questions presented to the membership, to receive Division newsletters and journals, serve on DCDT committees, apply for DCDT credentials,  to hold office, support those running for office, receive DCDT awards and represent DCDT.

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Last Updated:  12 March, 2021

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