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DCDT International Conference
Denver, Colorado
October 08, 2025 - October 12, 2025

Call for Proposals

DCDT is concerned with ensuring practitioners are able to implement evidence- based practices and that the field continues to guide both policy and research. We encourage practitioners and researchers to submit proposals.

Submit a Proposal

Important Dates
February 17, 2025 Call for Proposals opens.
April 15, 2025 Call for Proposals closes (Late proposals will not be accepted)
June 15, 2025 Proposal Selection Notifications sent to the email address provided by the Primary Presenter
September 1, 2025 All Presenters must register to be included in the conference program
October 1, 2025 All Session Handouts/Materials must be uploaded by all presenters

Proposal Scoring Rubric

Before Submitting

DCDT is committed to providing informative, engaging, applicable, interactive, world-class sessions presented by leaders in the field, content experts, researchers, and practitioners from across the nation and around the world.

Thank you for your interest in submitting a proposal for DCDT Fall 2025!

All proposals must be submitted in English and through the online system by April 15, 2025. Late proposals are not accepted. Please do not wait until the last minute to submit your proposal.


Submission Limit

Carefully consider your topic of interest, your perspective, and your preferred session types as you create proposals and add co-presenters. Each person may submit a maximum of 2 proposals (whether as a primary presenter or co-presenter) and will be selected for a maximum of two sessions (whether as a primary presenter or co-presenter) in the final conference program.

Please note: Only co-presenters who will be physically present at DCDT should be included on a proposal. There may be several people who have authored or contributed to a project or study, but only those who will be attending DCDT in person and actively contributing to the onsite presentation should be listed as co-presenters. All presenters must register for the DCDT conference by September 1, 2025.

Proposals must be submitted online through CVENT a free online user account.

All proposal submitters will need to either (a) create a new account, or (b) review and verify their information in an existing account. Please use a current mailing address and active email address that is frequently checked. We would like to use this to contact you.

Don't wait. PLEASE submit your proposal today. Again, late proposals will not be accepted.


Review the Proposal Requirements

Review the proposal requirements in advance so that you can create a comprehensive proposal.

Think carefully and creatively about which session type would best allow the audience to experience, understand, and/or engage with your session ideas, principles, or strategies. Consider the lessons, take always, and/or action steps that will allow them to replicate or implement session content in their own work.  DCDT is concerned with ensuring practitioners can implement evidence- based practices and that the field continues to guide both policy and research.  We encourage practitioners and researchers to submit proposals.

The strand sessions focus on:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Special Education 
  • Dvision on Learning Disabilities (DLD) Strand
  • Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities (DADD)
  • Culturally Responsible Practices for Transition
  • Family and Community Partnerships
  • Instructional Practices/Use of Technology
  • Mental Health/Substance Abuse
  • Personnel Prep and Professional Development
  • Transition Assessment
  • Self-Determination
  • Transition to Employment
  • Transition to Postsecondary Education
  • Transition to Independent Living
  • Practitioner to Practitioner 
  • Sitlington Emerging Research Poster Session
  • Introducing Transition in Elementary School
  • Assistive Technology & Transition
  • DCDT Committee Meeting
  • Practitioner to Practitioner 
  • Featured DCDT Partner Showcase Session


Prepare Your Proposal

We strongly suggest you first compose a proposal in an offline format (such as Microsoft Word) prior to submitting it through the online system. Pay attention to the question-specific limits (minimums and/or maximums), requirements, and the number of selected responses allowed per question. Many fields specify a character limit, not a word limit, which also counts the spaces between words. If guidelines are not followed, the online form will alert you with an error and ask you to revise your answer. Please note that the proposal submission form does not save incomplete proposals. Be prepared to complete and submit all proposal details in their entirety in one sitting.

Click here to view the DCDT proposal writing template

Click here to view the proposal review rubric

Session Formats:

  • Poster Session – you may choose to pre-record your poster session (3-5 minutes on the app a live poster session that it is a printed visual display that you will answer questions as you showcase your information.)
  • Roundtable Discussion - 60 minute- In a roundtable discussion.  This format allows many speakers (that you submit) to discuss various parts of the subject from different perspectives, and an audience to observe and participate.
  • Multi-Presentation - (each presentation is given 15 minutes - similar topics 3 presentations are scheduled - 45 minutes for presenters and 15-minute Q&A with an assigned facilitator)
  • 4-hour workshop - new this year we are seeking and offering 4-hour in depth workshops on Sunday from 8:30- 12:30 pm.

You will choose your session format upon submission however upon acceptance please review the session format. Your session may be moved to another format based on the review process and submissions.

The online submission form does not auto save. Your login will time out after 60 minutes of inactivity. 

Review proposal content. Make sure your title and abstract clearly and accurately describe your session content. DCDT participants rely on this information to understand and select which sessions they will attend.

Clearly define the learning objectives and goals for the session that indicate or describe the practical knowledge or strategies participants will learn or gain.

Provide an accurate overall session description that highlights innovative ideas or strategies, encourages audience interaction, and is noncommercial in nature.

Ensure the proposed content is able to be fully and clearly presented in the allotted session time.

Tips to Make Your Proposal Stand Out

  • Highlight how the content will be presented in an engaging, interesting, and/or interactive manner.
  • Consider the challenges or successes you have experienced in your work and/or in implementing your material. Explain how these lessons can be applied more broadly to the work of others to improve the transition outcomes of youth.
  • Help us understand what you know! Use examples, share research, or highlight a case study, illustration, or story. Show how each presenter demonstrates their experience and contributions. 
  • Be clear and captivating. Proofread your submission so that it is free from grammatical or spelling errors. 
  • Ensure all your co-presenters have been added before the submission deadline of April 15, 2025.


Presenter Requirements

If accepted, you agree to attend DCDT in person, register, and must be available to present your session at any time or day of the conference. We will not honor any scheduling requests from presenters. All accepted presenters must register regardless of whether they attend the entire conference, a portion of it, or only their individual session.

Accepted presenters also agree to submit handouts or session materials into the online system prior to DCDT.  Handouts or session materials are frequently requested and highly utilized by conference attendees.


Thank You

We sincerely appreciate the time it takes to complete and submit a proposal and hope you will continue to submit to DCDT year after year.

Notifications will be sent out via email to the primary presenter of each proposal June 15, 2025.


Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel
1550 Court Place, Denver, CO 80202


October 08, 2025 - October 12, 2025
Add to Calendar 2025-10-08 00:00:00 2025-10-12 00:00:00 DCDT International Conference Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel 1550 Court Place Denver, CO 80202 United States Council for Exceptional Children America/New_York public


DCDT Conference Website
Stacie Dojonovic
Last Updated:  2 May, 2024

© 2025 Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). All rights reserved.