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DCDT Publications & Research


Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals (CDTEI)
This publication is the official journal of the Division on Career Development and Transition (DCDT) and is published four times a year. This publication is distributed only to members of DCDT. It presents various articles and position papers dealing with the latest research activities, model programs, and issues pertaining to career development and transition.
Co-Editors: Val Mazzotti and Erik Carter
Author Guidelines: Author Guidelines
DCDT Statement on Developing Position Papers: Developing Position Papers
Access: New Members or Members with Existing Accounts


DCDT Membership Flyer

DCDT Membership Flyer
The DCDT Membership Flyer can be used by regional and state DCDT chapters to recruit new members. See the flyer for DCDT member benefits.
Access: DCDT Membership Flyer



DCDT Network Newsletter

DCDT Network Newsletter
The DCDT Network Newsletter for members only is published three times a year and distributed to all members of the DCDT organization.
Access: DCDT Network Newsletter for Members Only



Tips for Transition

Tips for Transition
The Division on Career Development and Transition (DCDT) and the Transition Coalition have collected and disseminated these tips in an effort to enhance public access to information about transition activities. Our intention is to provide resources that are current and accurate. We do not endorse or promote any of the products, web sites, or ideas presented in the tips. Although every attempt is made to ensure the accuracy of this information, we can make no guarantees. Please credit the source when copying all or part of this material.
Access: Tips for Transition


Transition Resource Guide

Transition Resource Guide
The Transition Resource Guide contains frequently used low-cost/no-cost web-based transition resources available to professionals, students with disabilities, and their families. The guide contains resources for professional development, teacher use, student use, and parent/family use. This resource guide will be updated on a yearly basis to ensure all information is up-to-date and current.
Access: Transition Resource Guide

Position Papers

Benz, M. R., & Kochhar, C. A. (1996). School-to-work opportunities for all students: A position statement of the division on career development and transition. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 19, 31-48. Full Article

Blalock, G., Kochhar-Bryant, C. A., Test, D. W., Kohler, P., White, W., Lehmann, J., . . . Patton, J. (2003). The need for comprehensive personnel preparation in transition and career development: A position statement of the division on career development and transition. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 26, 207-226. Full Article

Clark, G. M., Field, S., Patton, J. R., Brolin, D. E., Sitlington, P. L. (1994). Life skills instruction: A necessary component for all students with disabilities: A position statement of the division on career development and transition. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 17, 125-133. Full Article

Field, S., Martin, J., Miller, R., Ward, M., & Wehmeyer, M. (1998). Self-determination for persons with disabilities: A position statement of the division on career development and transition. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 21, 113-128. Full Article

Halpern, A. S. (1994). The transition of youth with disabilities to adult life: A position statement of the division on career development and transition, the council for exceptional children. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 17, 115-124. Full Article

Harvey, M. W., Rowe, D. A., Test, D. W., Imperatore, C., Lombardi, A., Conrad, M., Szymanski, A., $ Barnett, K. (2020). Partnering to improve career and technical education for students with disabilities: A position paper of the division on career development and transition. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 43(2), 62-77. Full Article

Mazzotti, V. L., Rowe, D. A., Cameto, R., Test, D. W., & Morningstar, M. E. (2013). Identifying and promoting transition evidence-based practices and predictors of success: A position paper of the division on career development and transition. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 36, 140-151. Full Article

Morningstar, M. E., Bassett, D. S., Kochhar-Bryant, C., Cashman, J., & Wehmeyer, M. L. (2012). Aligning transition services with secondary education reform: A position statement of the division on career development and transition. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 35, 132-142. Full Article

Neubert, D. A., & Leconte, P. J. (2013). Age-appropriate transition assessment: The position of the division on career development and transition. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 36, 72-83. Full Article

Sitlington, P. L., Neubert, D. A., & Leconte, P. J. (1997). Transition assessment: The position of the division on career development and transition. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 20, 69-79. Full Article

Trainor, A. A., Lindstrom, L., Simon-Burroughs, M., Martin, J. E., & McCray Sorrells, A. (2008). From marginalized to maximized opportunities for diverse youths with disabilities: A position paper of the division on career development and transition. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 31, 56-64. Full Article

Last Updated:  18 March, 2021

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