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Improving Your Transition Practice

A Return from Transition in the Cloud - Video Recordings

Greetings from the DCDT President-Elect, Dr. John McNaught


As we return from transition in the cloud to our new normal, we need to continue to lead, motivate and facilitate student empowerment.


Session Facilitator Stacie Dojonovic/Jane Razeghi


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John McNaught, Co-Director TTAC VDOE @ James Madison University, Kendal Swartzentruber, Co-Director TTAC VDOE @ James Madison University, Jesse Rodriguez, Education Coordinator TTAC VDOE @ James Madison University


Participants will:

  1. Learn how to navigate the free resources available on I'mDetermined website,
  2. Identify self-determination strategies and resources to implement at home, online and in the classroom,
  3. Identify key steps in self-determination and transition planning

Session Facilitator Josh Pulos/Stacie Dojonovic


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Sheida Raley Assistant Research Professor, Kansas University, Karrie Shogren Professor and Senior Scientist, University of Kansas, Annette McDonald, Free State High School Mathematics Teacher, and Erin McDaneld-Campbell, Free State High School Special Education Teacher


The Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction (SDLMI) has been identified as an evidence-based practice for enhancing transition outcomes (e.g., competitive employment, community participation) and student self-determination. Recently, the SDLMI was implemented in inclusive, secondary classrooms as well as implemented online via digital platforms. Researchers from the University of Kansas in partnership with general and special education practitioners from Free State High School in Lawrence, Kansas will share how they supported all students to build self-determination abilities and skills via in-person and online learning. Additionally, specific implications for practice to highlight how practitioners can support students in developing skills and abilities associated with self-determination in these unprecedented times will be shared to achieve valued outcomes.


Session Facilitator Dale Matesuvich/Stacie Dojonovic


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Al Daviso, Professor, University of Akron


This presentation will focus on applications and game-based technology for use with students with disabilities. Transition service provision, social skills, and general academic delivery will be the focus. Participants will have an opportunity to interact with a variety of programs that help track student progress, communicate with parents and other stakeholders. All information will be provided to participants through an on-line database. Presentation will be in a game-based format!


Facilitators Glenda McKeithan/Stacie Dojonovic


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Jennifer Bumble, Assistant Professor of Special Education, University of Missouri and Andy Scheef, Assistant Professor of Special Education, University of Idaho


This interactive, practitioner-focused session will include a review and discussion of online transition resources curated through our Transition In The Cloud Town Hall Series. Learn about free and effective tools practitioners are using in the field to respond to the needs of digital learners. We will highlight resources addressing a range of transition topics including self-determination, college and career readiness, and community skills. Attendees will have ample opportunities to explore each resource, identify ways to immediately apply each resource with their students, and share their own tips for online learning. 


Facilitators Hunter Matesuvich/Stacie Dojonovic


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Kendra Deidre Williams, Associate Professor, Oklahoma University and Belkis Choiseul-Praslin, Oklahoma University Doctorate Student  


Participants will

  1. Learn how to navigate the free resources available on the Zarrow Center for Learning Enrichment’s website,
  2. Locate and identify age-appropriate transition assessments for students,
  3. Identify key steps in transition planning and multiple transition education curricula.

Facilitators Jen Bumble/Stacie Dojonovic


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Bumble, Jen
Jennifer Bumble, Ph.D. is an assistant professor of special education at the University of Missouri St. Louis. She received her doctorate in special education from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. Her research and teaching focuses on postsecondary transitions for youth with disabilities and improving postschool outcomes through building school-community partnerships, increasing social capital, and implementing evidence-based strategies. Prior to receiving her doctorate, Dr. Bumble worked as a special educator in Texas and an EL educator in South Korea. She also worked as an educational consultant with the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center and TennesseeWorks—developing trainings, tools, and resources for transition educators across Tennessee.
Choiseul-Praslin, Belkis
Belkis Choiseul-Praslin, M.Ed. is pursuing a doctorate degree in Special Education with a focus in transition and applied behavior analysis (ABA). She is a former high school mild/moderate special education teacher and severe/profound transition coordinator for D.C. Public Schools. Belkis’ research interests include (a) employment skills and work opportunities for students with significant disabilities, (b) teacher preparation in special education transition, and (c) diversity and cultural awareness in transition education. 

Daviso, Al

Engaging students with Gaming
Dr. Daviso is a professor of special education at the University of Akron. He was awarded “Outstanding Instructor” in 2018. He has collaborated with Akron Public School to write and implement 2 grants focusing on the professional development of Career and Technical Education teachers across the district. These were both part of the “Innovative Strategies for Developing the College and Career Readiness for Students with Disabilities” program.

McDaneld-Campbell, Erin

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Erin McDaneld-Campbell is a special education teacher at Lawrence Free State High School. She has worked in the special education field for over 20 years in both the private and public sectors ranging in ages from  preK-adulthood. She began her career as a paraeducator and continued her education at the University of Kansas. She has specialized in autism and currently specializes in functional skills/medically fragile. She has actively participated in SDLMI workgroups to consider different ways to modify and make SDLMI more accessible for students with more functional needs.

McDonald, Annette

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Annette McDonald is a mathematics teacher and the head swim and dive coach at Lawrence Free State High School. She has been teaching high school mathematics for over 30 years in both the public and private sectors. Mrs. McDonald began implementing the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction 4 years ago and has trained and coached more than 30 of her colleagues in the SDLMI to support secondary students set personal learning goals and engage in their own learning.

McNaught, John

John has been working in the field of special education for over 20 years. John received his undergraduate degree from the University of Richmond, his Master of Education Degree from James Madison University and his doctoral degree in School Improvement with a focus on Special Education from the University of West Georgia. He started his career at a residential wilderness school for at-risk youth and youth with emotional disabilities. John also worked in a public high school as a special education teacher and supervised a community based work-study program for students with disabilities. He was one of the first individuals in the state of Virginia to implement student-directed IEP meetings, and he worked diligently as an educator to bring the student’s voice to the forefront. For the past fifteen years, John has worked at the Virginia Department of Education’s Training and Technical Assistance Center at James Madison University as a coordinator, focusing on transition and self-determination and as co-director of the center for the past seven years. John is a founding member of the Virginia Department of Education’s I’m Determined Project and has served as the State Director for the past twelve years. Under his leadership, I’m Determined has grown from 9 pilot schools to over 70 participating school divisions in Virginia and over 40 states across the nation. John is currently the President-Elect of CEC’s Division on Career Development and Transition.

Raley, Sheida

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Sheida K. Raley, Ph.D. is an Assistant Research Professor at the Kansas University Center on Developmental Disabilities and Assistant Professor in the Department of Special Education. Dr. Raley’s research focuses on assessment and intervention related to self-determination for all students, including students with extensive support needs learning in inclusive contexts. The ultimate goal of her research is to understand how to enable all students, including students with and without disabilities, to build abilities and skills associated with self-determination. Dr. Raley earned her doctoral degree in Special Education from the University of Kansas and is a former public school teacher for elementary and middle school students with extensive support needs.

Rodriguez, Jesse

Jesse Rodriguez is an Education Coordinator for the Virginia Department of Education's Region 5 Training & Technical Assistance Center at James Madison University. His focus areas include self-determination and low-incidence disabilities, and is always poking around with some sort of educational or assistive technology. In his current role as Co-State Coordinator of I'm Determined, a state-directed project funded by the VDOE that focuses on providing direct instruction, models, a nd opportunities to practice skills associated with self-determinated behavior, he helps coordinate and support the work happening in all eight superintendent regions in Virginia. Before becoming an Education Coordinator, Jesse worked with students with intellectual disabilities and autism as a K-12 special education teacher.

Scheef, Andrew

northwest rep
Dr. Andrew Scheef is an Assistant Professor of Special Education at the University of Idaho (Moscow, ID). He has extensive experience teaching special education in public schools and earned his Ph.D. in Special Education at Washington State University. Dr. Scheef’s research interests focus on supporting post-school transition for students with disabilities. As a teacher, he received a Fulbright Distinguished Award in Teaching that allowed him to study special education programs in Singapore designed to increase employability of youth with disabilities. Dr. Scheef currently serves as the NW Region Representative for DCDT and is the president of Idaho DCDT.

Shogren, Karrie

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Karrie A. Shogren, Ph.D. is a Professor in the Department of Special Education, Senior Scientist in the Life Span Institute, and Director of the Kansas University Center on Developmental Disabilities. Dr. Shogren's research focuses on self-determination and systems of support for students with disabilities and she has a specific interest in the contextual factors that impact student outcomes. Dr. Shogren has published over 130 articles in peer-reviewed journals, is the author or co-author of 10 books, and is the lead author of the Self-Determination Inventory System ( Dr. Shogren is currently president of DCDT.

Swartzentruber, Kendal

Kendal Swartzentruber is the Co-State Coordinator for the Virginia Department of Education’s I’m Determined Project at James Madison University. His work focuses on educating youth with disabilities to be self-determined leaders in their communities and schools. Kendal was a special educator and behavioral specialist . Kendal is currently a Ph.D student in Organizational Leadership. His research is focused on reconceptulizing inclusive leadership through a lens of hospitality ethics. Kendal is an instructor at James Madison University where he teaches courses on intellectual disability. Kendal also serves in his local community as an executive board member for Pleasant View Inc, a housing initiatve for adults with intellectual disabilities. Kendal Swartzentruber is a member of DCDT and a active contributor to conferenes, townhalls, and symposiums that relate to self-determination and the design of educational opportunities for young adults with disabilities.
Williams-Diehm, Kendra
Kendra L. Williams-Diehm is a Professor in the Special Education program in the Department of Educational Psychology. Her primary research interests include comprehensive transition services with a focus on self-determination and post-secondary outcomes for students with disabilities (specifically intellectual and developmental disabilities). A secondary research interest focuses on the role culture and family plays in both the education of and outcomes for students from diverse backgrounds. Dr. Williams-Diehm also actively teaches both undergraduate and graduate students in the Educational Psychology department, especially in teacher preparation programs.


Last Updated:  19 March, 2021

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