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DCDT Bylaws

Approved April 10, 2014; edits 10-30-14: Proposed Revisions 12-6-18 & 12-13-18 includes VM, JM, JS, SD, and JR comments); changes approved by Board February 31, 2019 (this copy revised 7-4-19 to meet the approvals JAR); cues for proposed changes JR & SD 1-8-20; VM edited cues 01-10-2020; cues for proposed changes JR & SD 1-13-2020; VM edited 01-31-2020 per feedback during January EC meeting; VM edited 03-10-2020 per feedback from Board and membership; finalized for approval and sent to membership on 03-16-2020




Section 1 The name of this non-profit organization shall be the International Division on Career Development and Transition, hereinafter referred to as International DCDT.
Section 2 International DCDT shall be affiliated as a division of the International Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), hereinafter referred to as International CEC.
Section 3 Affiliation with other groups may be established in accord with the International CEC policy.


Section 1 This organization is organized exclusively for educational purposes within the meaning of section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Section 2 Not withstanding any other provisions of these activities, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by an organization exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Section 3 Upon dissolution of  this  organization  after  paying  or  adequately providing for the debts and obligations of the organization, the remaining assets shall be distributed to a non-profit fund, foundation, or corporation which has established its tax-exempt status under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Section 4 The mission of the International  DCDT is to promote  national and international efforts to improve the quality of, and access to career development and transition services, increase the participation of education in career development and transition goals, and to influence policies affecting career development and transition services for individuals with all exceptionalities across the life span.
Section 5 The secondary purpose shall be to encourage and promote professional growth, research, legislation, information dissemination, technical assistance and interactions among CEC divisions and other organizations concerned with and involved in the career development and transition of individuals with all exceptionalities.


Section 1 Membership is open to any person concerned with the education of individuals with all exceptionalities who is a member in good standing of the International CEC. Individuals may become active members of this division after approval of application and payment dues.
Section 2 Students are eligible for student membership. Student members must be in good standing with the International CEC and are entitled to all rights and privileges of an active member. Dues and benefits for student memberships shall be determined by International CEC.
Section 3 Active members shall be entitled to all  the  rights  and  privileges  of  this organization.
Section 4 The membership year shall coincide with that of the International CEC.
Section 5 The Division must attain  a membership  of  1.5% of  the total  CEC  membership and maintain a membership of at least 1.5% of the total CEC membership to continue charter status unless exempted by the Board of Directors of CEC. Typically, this has been 700 paid members who shall meet the membership qualification established by the International CEC by the end of the second year of operation to receive a charter.


Section 1 The officers of this organization shall be a President, President-Elect,  Vice  President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the Immediate Past President. The Executive Director and Associate Executive Director shall serve as an ex officio non-voting members. These officers shall serve as the Executive Committee (EC).
Section 2 The Board shall serve as  a policy-making  body and  shall be responsible for  carrying out the affairs of the International DCDT except those actions, which rest on the membership as stated in the Constitution/Bylaws of the International DCDT.
Section 3 The Board shall consist: 
a.    Officers of the Organization (i.e., EC) - President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Immediate Past President 
b.    Human Rights and Diversity Committee Chairperson (elected),
c.    Policy and Advocacy Committee Chairperson (elected),
d.    Publications Committee Chairperson (elected),
e.    Research Committee Chairperson (elected),
f.    At-Large Practitioner Member (elected)
g.    At-Large Early Career or Researcher (elected)
These individuals must be members in good standing of the International CEC and International DCDT at the time of their nomination and election and remain so throughout the duration of their terms of office.
Section 4 The administration year shall be January to December.


Section 1 Annually there shall be a nomination slate recommended by the Immediate Past President and approved by the EC.
Section 2 Annually the Immediate Past President under the guidance of the Board, shall present the slate of nominees for the election process as provided for in the Bylaws of the International DCDT.
Section 3 Annually, the Immediate Past President will appoint an election committee consisting of four past presidents to  accept letters of nomination, oversee the election via online balloting implemented by the past president. 


Section 1 International DCDT shall meet annually at either or both of the International DCDT and/or CEC conferences (as well as, at other times determined by the Executive Committee).  The EC should provide 30 days’ notice to the Board, and then, the membership for approval of any changes in the time or place of the annual meeting. 
Section 2 Special  meetings may be called by the  President  or  in they/theirs  absence, by the President-Elect, upon request from the Board. A minimum advance notice of 30 days for any special meeting shall be given to members. The notice shall state the general nature of the meeting and its time and place.
Section 3 When matters of business require the action of a special  meeting  of  the membership at a time not deemed advisable or feasible, such meetings called by the EC or majority action of the Board. If a special meeting requires voting by the EC, Board, and membership, balloting shall be determined by the EC. Decisions shall be made based on the majority of votes cast.


Section 1 To  supplement this Constitution  the membership  shall adopt  Bylaws, which are not inconsistent with this document and those of the International CEC.
Section 2 Constitution/Bylaws may be adopted by the majority of voting members. Decisions shall be made based on majority of votes cast.


Section 1 The Constitution/Bylaws of the International DCDT may  be  amended  by  majority of voting  members present and voting at any annual business meeting provided that (a) the membership was informed of the intent to amend the Constitution in the notice of the meeting and (b) the proposed amendment was submitted to the President, reviewed by the EC with approval by the Board in time to allow the membership to be notified in writing via email at least 30 days prior to the annual general business meeting when the vote is scheduled if a quorum of 20 members are present, otherwise, an email or electronic ballot will be sent to the membership in a timely manner after the annual general business meeting. Decisions shall be made based on majority of votes cast.
Section 2 The Constitution/Bylaws may be amended as outlined in Section 1 of Article VIII.
Section 3 The Board shall have the authority to enact and adapt any technical or non-substantive amendments to the Constitution/Bylaws. The Board shall also have the authority to enact or adopt any conforming amendment, which may be necessary to provide consistency with the intent of the amendment to the Constitution/Bylaws, which are adopted in the manner prescribed by the provisions of Sections I and 2 of Article VIII.


The rules of parliamentary practice comprised in Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised, latest edition, shall govern the proceedings of the International DCDT subject to the special rules which have been or may be adopted.



In the event of the dissolution of the International DCDT, the Board shall, after payment of all liabilities of International DCDT, dispose of all the assets of International DCDT by:

A.    Forwarding them to the headquarters of the International CEC (a non-profit corporation) with a request that they be retained in a non-interest bearing account and made available to International DCDT should it ever be reorganized, or

B.    Contributing them to a local, state, or national non-profit organization or activity, the purpose of which is to serve the career development and transition needs of individuals with exceptionalities.





Section 1 Membership is open to any member of the International CEC. Active membership entitles the members to attend all meetings of the division, to vote on all questions     presented to the membership, to receive division newsletters  and journals, and to     hold office.
Section 2 State subdivisions of International DCDT may become affiliated organizations of  the International DCDT by meeting the membership, program, and organization requirements specified in International DCDT’s State Subdivision Manual.
Section 3 The membership year of an individual member shall coincide with the payments of International CEC and International DCDT dues.
Section 4 Membership records will be maintained by the International CEC Division and the sitting Vice President of membership. Dues will be maintained by International CEC.


The EC and Board shall recommend the amount of dues. The amount shall be subject to approval of a simple majority vote. International DCDT dues shall be payable when International CEC dues are paid.


Section 1 The elected Officers of  International  DCDT (i.e., EC)  shall  be  as  follows:  President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Immediate Past President.
Section 2 The terms of office shall be as follows: President, President-Elect, Vice President, and Immediate Past President shall each serve one year. The Secretary shall be elected in odd numbered years and shall serve for three years. The Treasurer shall be elected in even numbered years and shall serve for three years, with the third year being designated as a mentorship year for the incoming Treasurer.
Section 3 In case of vacancy occurring in the office of President, the President-Elect shall assume the office. In case of vacancy occurring in the office of President-Elect, the Vice President shall assume office. In case of vacancy occurring in the office of Vice President, or in the event that they/theirs succeeds the President-Elect for any reason, the office of Vice-President shall remain vacant until the next annual business meeting of International DCDT. During the interim, however, the President, with the approval of the Board shall appoint an acting Vice-President until such replacement can be duly elected. In case of vacancy occurring in the office of the Secretary or Treasurer, the President, with the approval of the Board, shall appoint a temporary replacement to serve until the next administrative year.
Section 4

The duties of the International DCDT officers shall be as follows:

A.    President: The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the International DCDT and call and preside at annual and special meetings of the Executive Committee. They/theirs shall work with the incoming President (President-Elect) to identify and appoint all open vacancies for standing and special committee chairpersons (except those specifically provided for in the Constitution/Bylaws), members to International CEC’s Representative Assembly, and the Student and Parent Representative, subject to approval by a majority of the Board, and shall be ex officio member of all committees with the exception of the Nominating Committee and the Audit Committee. The in-coming president will have priority in this process. This officer shall represent the International DCDT with other agencies and/or at meetings personally or through a person designated by the President. They/theirs will send or cause to be sent  information as needed, no less than 30 days prior to such meeting. The  President shall provide leadership to general policy-making and divisional activities and make an annual report of professional activities to the International CEC and to the International DCDT. The President, or they/theirs designee, will represent the International DCDT at the International CEC Representative Assembly (RA).

B.    President-Elect: The President-Elect is elected as either a conference focused Vice President or as a membership focused Vice President and will carry out these assigned duties throughout their roles to becoming President. The Vice President shall serve as President in the event of resignation or absence or inability to serve of the President. They/theirs shall have such other responsibilities as designated by the President. They/theirs shall accede to the office of President from the position of President-Elect.

C.    Vice President: The Vice President is elected as either a conference focused Vice President or as a membership focused Vice President and will carry out these assigned duties throughout their roles to becoming President. The Vice President shall serve as President-Elect in the event of resignation or absence or inability to serve of the President-Elect. They/theirs shall have such other responsibilities as designated by the President. They/theirs shall accede to the office of President-Elect from the position of Vice President.

D.    Secretary: The Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of all general meetings of International DCDT and of meetings of the EC. They/theirs shall carry on correspondence as necessary in regard to matters as delegated by the President.

E.    Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive and distribute, upon proper authorization, all funds of International DCDT. They/theirs shall keep accurate record of receipts and expenditures and present a written report at each annual meeting and annual general business meeting. The records of the Treasurer with the assistance of the EC shall be audited each fiscal year. During the second year of the Treasurer's term of office the Treasurer with the assistance of the EC shall select a financial professional to audit the records prior to their transfer to the new Treasurer. The Treasurer, with assistance from the EC (i.e., shared governance), shall draw up a proposed budget for the forthcoming year and submit it in writing to the  EC, Board, and membership for approval at the annual general business meeting.

F.    Immediate Past President: The Immediate Past President shall conduct Board nominations, coordinate elections, and serve as chairman of the Awards Committee.

Section 5

The following procedures will be followed for the recall or removal of officers.

A.    A petition for removal of an International DCDT officer shall be signed by at least five members of the Division submitted in writing to the President. If the President is the subject of the petition, it shall be submitted to the President-Elect.

B.    The President (or President-Elect) shall, within seven days, notify each officer in writing of the receipt of such a petition, solicit relevant evidence from all parties concerned, and call a special meeting of the officers to consider the matter within 30 days following the receipt of the petition.

C.    At the meeting of the officers, an opportunity shall be made available to all interested parties to present any relevant evidence. A two-thirds majority vote of the members in attendance, providing there is a quorum of five, is necessary for the removal of the officer. Removal from office is effective immediately.

D.    The officer being considered for removal shall be provided with the results of the officers' actions in writing within seven days.

E.    Upon receipt of written notification of removal, the officer concerned shall have 15 days to submit to the President (or President-Elect) written notice of appeal.

F.    Within seven days following receipt of a valid written notice of appeal, the President (or President-Elect) shall call, in writing, for the appointment and meeting of the Appeal Board. The Appeal Board shall meet within 30 days following receipt of notice of appeal. The President (or President-Elect) shall serve as the nonvoting Chairperson of the Appeal Board.

G.    At the meeting of the Appeal Board, an opportunity shall be made available to all interested parties to present any relevant evidence. A two-thirds majority vote of the members present is necessary to overturn the officer's decision and reinstate the removed officer. Reinstatement is effective immediately.

H.    The officer whose appeal has been considered shall be provided with the results of the Appeal Board action in writing within seven days.


Section 1 The division shall have standing committees as necessary to carry out the functions  of the organization.
Section 2 Except as otherwise provided, the chairperson of standing committees shall be elected by the membership of International DCDT and serve on the DCDT Board.  
Section 3 Except as otherwise provided in these Constitution/Bylaws, any member of international DCDT may be a member of any International DCDT standing committee. Committee members must be International CEC members in good standing. 
Section 4

The Chairperson of each standing committee shall be elected and serve one three-year term. The exceptions are the Chairpersons of the Awards Committee (who is the Immediate Past President) and the Membership Committee (who is the President-Elect/Vice President).

Each standing or special committee shall have no less than two members in addition to the Chairperson.

Section 5 All standing committee Chairpersons shall attend the annual  International DCDT  convention   shall attend the annual meeting of the Board.
Section 6

The standing committees and their respective duties are as follows:

A.  The Awards Committee: The Immediate Past President shall serve as Chairperson for the Awards Committee. This committee shall consist of five past-president members, appointed by the Immediate Past President. 

B. Conference Planning Committee:  President-Elect/Vice President of conference planning shall oversee the Conference Planning Committee and report the work of the Committee to the EC. 

C. Membership Committee: President-Elect/Vice President of membership shall oversee the Membership Committee and report the work of the Committee to the EC. 

D. Policy and Advocacy Committee: The Policy and Advocacy Chairperson will be elected and serve a term of three consecutive years. The Chairperson shall report the work of the Committee to the EC.  

E. Publication Committee: The Publications Committee Chairperson will be elected and serve a term of three consecutive years. The Chairperson shall report the work of the Committee to the EC.  

F. Research Committee: The Research Committee Chairperson will be elected and serve a term of three consecutive years. The Chairperson shall report the work of the Committee to the EC.  

G. Human Rights and Diversity Committee: The Human Rights and Diversity Committee Chairperson will be elected and serve a term of three consecutive years. The Chairperson shall report the work of the Committee to the EC. 

Section 7 Each committee (i.e., Membership, Conference Planning, Human Rights and Diversity, Policy         and Advocacy, Publications, Research) is expected to meet, at a minimum, quarterly to             further the mission of the Committee and International DCDT. 
Section 8 Special Committees may be established and their functions assigned at the discretion of the President.
Section 9 The Knowledge and Skills Representative and representatives of the DCDT Representative Assembly shall be appointed by the President and approved by the EC. These representatives will report quarterly to the Executive Director, who will communicate their work to the EC and Board.
Section 10 In the case of vacancy occurring in any of these offices committees, the President, with the approval of the EC shall appoint a temporary replacement to serve until the next fiscal year when elections are held.


Section 1 The Board shall consist of (a) Officers of the Organization (i.e., EC), (b) Human Rights and Diversity Committee Chairperson, (c) Policy and Advocacy Committee Chairperson, (d) Publications Committee Chairperson, (e) Research Committee Chairperson (f) At-Large Practitioner Member (elected), and (g) At-Large Early Career Practitioner or Researcher Member (elected). These individuals must be members in good standing of the International CEC and International DCDT at the time of their nomination and election or appointment and remain so throughout the duration of their terms of office.
Section 2 The duties of these Board members (except those that have been described elsewhere; i.e., Chairpersons of Advocacy and Policy, Publications, Research, Human Rights/Cultural Diversity) are elected by the membership of International DCDT for a three-year term.
Section 3 The Board shall meet face-to-face during the annual International DCDT The President shall call this meeting. If the President with EC approval determines an additional face-to-face meeting of the Board is required, the President will call this meeting, which will be held at the annual International CEC conference. The President with EC approval may also call a special meeting of the Board when matters of business require action at a time not deemed advisable or feasible, such meeting may be held by online meeting (preferred) or email. 
Section 4

The Board shall:

A.    Formulate and carry out the objectives, activities, and administrative policies of International DCDT.
B.    Conduct all appropriate executive business of the International DCDT.
C.    Review and recommend the annual divisional budget 
D.    Conduct an annual review of divisional funds.
E.    Review and act upon the reports of all committees.
F.    Propose resolutions and other policy statements to the membership for its considerations.
G.    Assume such other responsibilities as assigned by the EC and/or Executive and Associate Directors that advances the mission and purpose of  International DCDT.
H.    Annually review the Constitution/Bylaws of the organization at the annual general business meeting.

Section 5 A quorum of the Board shall consist of eight members.


The Immediate Past President shall solicit nominees in July 1 of each fiscal year from the entire Membership through the appropriate media outlets. Outcomes of elections should be announced by October 1 of each fiscal year. The Immediate Past President will convene a Nominations Committee to ensure fairness of elections prior to reviewing nominations (see Section 2, Article VI). 


Last Updated:  16 March, 2021

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