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Publications Committee

The DCDT Publications Committee is working diligently to ensure we have useful and pertinent publications for researchers, practitioners, families, and youth. If there are ideas that you have for publications, we encourage you to email our committee chairperson. We have some ideas in the works with our DCDT Research Committee  focused on implementing research into practice and practice informing research. 

Please join us on the second Wednesday of the month at 11:00 (PST), 1:00 (CST), 2:00 pm (EST). If you are interested in being on the email list, please email the co-chairs ( or for more information.

Meeting Times

Wednesday, March 20
Wednesday, April 17
Wednesday, May 15
Wednesday, June 19
Wednesday, July 17
Wednesday, August 21

*The rest of 2024 will be decided in August

All meetings 11:30 a.m. PST / 12:30 p.m. MST / 1:30 p.m. CST / 2:30 p.m. EST

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 992 1335 9323

Passcode: 41477303

Kendra Williams-Diehm, Ph.D., BCBA, FAIDD, Co-Chairperson

Kendra Williams-Diehm Ph.D., BCBA, FAIDD


Kendra Williams-Diehm Ph.D., BCBA, FAIDD is a Professor and Director of the Zarrow Center for Learning Enrichment at the University of Oklahoma. She holds the Zarrow Endowed Family Chair and the Brian E. and Sandra L. O’Brien Presidential Professorship. Her primary research interests include comprehensive transition services with a focus on assessment and self-determination for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Dr. Williams-Diehm has written 50 publications in the field of transition and self-determination. In addition, she has served on the DCDT board for over a decade. She has served as both Secretary and Southwest Regional Representative. Prior to receiving her doctoral degree, she taught at both the elementary and secondary levels and continues to provide professional development to both in-service and pre-service teachers.


Malarie Deardorff, Ph.D., Co-Chairperson

Malarie Deardorff, Ph.D.


Malarie Deardorff, Ph.D. is the Assistant Director of the Zarrow Center for Learning Enrichment and an Assistant Research Professor at the University of Oklahoma. Prior to her doctoral studies, she was a special educator in Oklahoma for several years. At the University of Oklahoma, she teaches graduate level transition courses. Her work at the Zarrow Center focuses on providing professional development in transition topics across Oklahoma and Texas. In addition, she serves as a mentor to doctoral and master level students. Dr. Deardorff’s research interests are in transition assessment, quality and compliant transition planning, and teacher preparation. In 2020, she won second place in DCDT’s Patricia Sitlington Emerging Researcher Award competition for her dissertation research on the Effects of Professional Development on Transition Plan Components. Dr. Deardorff is committed to providing education with high quality free teacher/student resources through a variety of avenues including professional development training, conference presentation, webinars, and websites.  

Last Updated:  6 May, 2024

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