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Membership Committee

We are working hard to support our membership and ensure that our State Subdivisions are actively involved with our National DCDT Organization! To identify if your State has an active subdivision or if you are interested in starting a State chapter, please visit the subdivision tab on the DCDT website to find your DCDT Regional Representative. If you are current student member or want to become a student member of DCDT, you can reach out to me as well to get involved with our mentorship activities and Early Career Scholars program.

 The DCDT Membership Committee promotes DCDT membership by conducting monthly conference calls (when and if appropriate) with the Membership Committee to: (a) discuss membership activities, (b) assist, if appropriate, in hosting the leadership reception (if held) during the CEC Convention and the DCDT International Conferences, (c) conduct a leadership committee meeting during CEC Convention and during the DCDT Conferences, (d) distribute membership information obtained from CEC to the Membership Committee. The Membership Committee has worked with the Conference Committee on new and innovative ways to engage members beyond the annual conference.

Membership is open to any person concerned with the education of exceptional individuals who is a member in good standing of the International Council for Exceptional Children (CEC).  Individuals may become members of DCDT after application and payment of dues to CEC.

Student Membership is open to members of the Council for Exceptional Children who are in attendance during the academic year at an accredited college or university, who are enrolled in a graduate or undergraduate program for the preparation of administrators of special education.  Student Membership entitles the member to all privileges of Active Membership.

We invite all DCDT subdivision leaders to a monthly membership meetings:

Monday May 13
Monday June 24
Monday July 21
Monday August 19
Monday September 30
Monday October 14
Monday November 11
Monday December 9


ALL meeting 2:30 est – 3:30 est

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 958 7680 6722

Passcode: 393361

Dawn Rowe, Ph.D., Chairperson

Dawn Rowe, Ph.D.


Dawn Rowe, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Foundations and Special Education at East Tennessee State University. Her research and scholarship are focused on three main areas of research: evidence-based practices and predictors of postschool success for students with disabilities, life skills interventions (e.g., goal setting, self-management, communication skills), and professional development (e.g., families, in-service and pre-service educators). She has over 20 years’ experience working in the adult service system and as a teacher and transition specialist for youth with disabilities in the public-school system. Dr. Rowe serves as the academic editor for the Council for Exceptional Children’s Research to Practice Journal, TEACHING Exceptional Children. Dr. Rowe’s publications have focused on transition assessment, transition skill instruction for low incidence disabilities, and family engagement.  

Last Updated:  6 May, 2024

© 2025 Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). All rights reserved.