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Human Rights and Diversity Committee Community Chat

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The Human Rights and Diversity Committee (HRDC) welcomes you to its inaugural Community Chat on May 25th at 3pm EST! Our Community Chats will extend and expand upon our HRDC Town Hall held in February. Our Town Hall created wonderful discussion and resource sharing through collaborative Jam Board Sessions. As we said in our Town Hall, the HRDC wants to continue the conversation with DCDT members who are interested. 

For our Community Chats, we want to provide a space for members to learn about topical issues on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and how that impact the work on transition for students with disabilities. Our hope is to create a collaborative shared knowledge atmosphere for all. Our first Community Chat topic will be “Intersectionality: Understanding identities of Students in Our Classrooms.”

We are encouraging DCDT members to join our Community Chat to learn and grow from each other’s shared knowledge in a space where diversity, equity, and inclusion is at the forefront of conversation. We strive for our Community Chats to be a place for (a) Community Building, (b) Learning, and (c) Resource and Practice Sharing. 

We want to encourage teachers helping teachers, researchers helping researchers, and teachers and researchers helping each other.

We look forward to “chatting” with you!

The Human Rights and Diversity Committee

Posted:  16 April, 2021

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