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DCDT International Conference
Denver, Colorado
October 08, 2025 - October 12, 2025

Guides and Tips for Poster Presentations

Guide in PDF

Poster presentations provide a unique opportunity for the presenter(s) and the audience to talk with one another. The physical arrangements are like an exhibit. Space is provided to display information and of course you can offer handout materials. However, we recommend loading them to the conference app in advance and allowing attendees to download from the conference app or website. The poster sessions are all one hour in length.

When your session is scheduled, please note the number on your session after the room this is your display easel number. During the designated time, the audience moves through the poster displays, stopping to interact with those who are presenting research, service, practice, or policy information that is of special interest to them.

The interaction between the presenters and the audience can be more meaningful than just sitting and listening to oral sessions. When constructing your poster, remember to take full advantage of the opportunities provided by this unique presentation method.

DCDT will provide you with:

  • A display board with a surface area of 4 ft x 8 ft.
  • Push pins to pin your poster on the board.


  1. The poster board dimensions are 4ft high and 8ft wide. Poster must fit on the board but does not have to be the same size as the board.
  2. Construct the poster to include the title, the author(s)/presenter(s), affiliation(s), and a description of the research, practice, service, or policy initiative.
  3. Highlight the major elements that are covered in the abstract or other handout materials. Again, PLEASE post your handouts on the conference app/conference website before the conference! (this allows accessibility)
  4. Minimize detail and try to use simple, jargon-free statements.
  5. Remember that pictures, tables, and figures contribute to interesting poster displays.
  6. Make sure lettering is large enough to be read from a distance. Do not simply pin up a set of typed pages—reserve these for your handouts.
  7. Consider using a flow chart or some other method of providing the viewer with a guide to inspecting your display. Clear sub-headings also enable the reader to move to areas of specific interest.
  8. Don’t overwhelm the viewer with excessive amounts of information; rather, construct a poster display that enhances conversation.
  9. Be ready to pin up your poster well before the poster session begins. Unattended posters will be taken down by staff and DCDT will not be responsible for unattended posters.
  10. The poster should remain in place for the duration of the scheduled poster session.
  11. Prepare handouts and POST them to your session in the conference app and website.
  12. Don’t forget your business cards or you can also add a QR Code to your poster with your contact information. To generate a QR code, go to: and follow instructions.
  13. There will be no electricity outlets near the boards.


Opportunities to present at the DCDT Annual Meeting are highly competitive. Accordingly, we hope your poster presentation will be creative and well organized, and that you will be at your display for the entire period you are schedules. We welcome and appreciate your participation.
Please look at the conference schedule, your speaker resource center for your poster time. All Posters sessions will be in the Grand Ballroom exhibit hall. All Poster boards will be labeled with the number that is on your session.


Last Updated:  26 June, 2023

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